How to join

Why to support IAGSA?

To help these children to live, to support their families in the difficulties and pain they have to deal with in their daily lives, to give them the hope of a different and a better tomorrow, to support and spur on the difficult scientific research in this field, all you have to do is join the association, or send us your contribution.
Pulling together, we are sure that this is a battle that can be won!

Send your contribution to:

International  Aicardi-Goutières 
Syndrome Association - IAGSA

Via XXV Aprile, 11  -  20084 - Lacchiarella (MI) - Italia


Bank Account nr. 370813/79 
Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Binasco
Viale Matteotti, 50 - 27100 - Pavia - Italia
ABI  08386;  CAB 11300;   Swift; ICRAITMM386
IBAN: IT28V0838611300000000370813

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